Selamat datang.
Berikut hal-hal aktual yang terjadi saat-saat ini :
1. Hampir tiap pekan terjadi gempa di berbagai kawasan
Untuk mengetahui perkembangan data gempa bumi terkini dalam 7 hari terakhir bahkan untuk tanggal dan jam sekarang, silakan kunjungi :
Contoh gempa yang terjadi pada :
Info dari BMKG (khusus Indonesia) di sini
Catatan gempa
1 | "Shaanxi" | January 23, 1556 | Shaanxi, China | 830,000 | 8.0 | Estimated death toll in Shaanxi, China. |
2 | "Tang- shan" | July 28, 1976 | Tangshan, China | 255,000 | 7.5 | Estimated death toll as high as 655,000. |
3 | "Gansu" | December 16, 1920 | Ningxia– Gansu, China | 234,117 | 7.8 | Major fractures, landslides. |
4 | "Haiti" | January 12, 2010 | Haiti | 233,000 | 7.0 | Provisional estimate one month after the earthquake. |
5 | "Indian Ocean" | December 26, 2004 | Sumatra, Indonesia | 230,210 | 9.3 | Deaths from earthquake and resulting tsunami. |
6 | "Aleppo" | October 11, 1138 | Aleppo, Syria | 230,000 | 8.5 | Death toll disputed as first mention of 230,000 dead was in the 15th century. |
7 | "Great Kantō" | September 1, 1923 | Kantō region, Japan | 142,000 | 7.9 | Caused the Great Tokyo fire. |
8 | "Ash- gabat" | October 6, 1948 | Ash- gabat, Turkme- nistan | 110,000 | 7.3 |
source :
2. Kondisi matahari hari ini
Bintik 1057 pada matahari makin lama makin lebar, melebihi lebar bumi.
Latest GOES Solar X-ray Image
Bintik 1057 pada matahari makin lama makin lebar
SUNSPOT 1057: New sunspot 1057 has almost doubled in area since it first appeared yesterday. With a pair of dark cores each larger than planet Earth, the growing active region is an easy target for amateur solar telescopes:
SUNSPOT CONJUNCTION: Yesterday in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, astrophotographer John Stetson and his son Peter observed a very rare event--a sunspot-space station conjunction:"We knew when to look thanks to a prediction from CalSky," says Stetson. "The International Space Station transited the solar disk in only 0.62 seconds. We managed to catch the station's silhouette just as it was passing sunspot 1057." Stetson has been photographing solar transits for years; he ranks this one as "the best yet."
As far as we know, this is the first time the ISS has been observed in conjunction with a big sunspot. Next up: How about a sunspot-space station eclipse? It is possible to anticipate such an event because CalSky shows sunspots in their transit prediction graphics. Astrophotographers, check the web site for opportunities.
This movie shows a spherical map of the Sun as it currently appears, formed from a combination of the latest STEREO Ahead and Behind beacon images. The movie starts with the view of the Sun as seen from Earth, with the 0 degree meridian line in the middle. The map then rotates through 360 degrees to show the part of the Sun not visible from Earth. The black wedge shows the part of the Sun not yet visible to the STEREO spacecraft.
3. Wilayah pandemi penyakit
Berbagai penyakit baru terus bermunculan dan cepat menyebar.
Untuk tahu penyakit apa yang sedang merebak taruh kursor pada tanda atau pada peta dan tunggu beberapa detik.
Source :
4. Ratusan asteroid siap menghujani bumi ?
Source :
Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) adalah batuan luar angkasa sebesar tidak kurang 100 meter (diameter) yang mendekati bumi.
, there were 1138 potentially
hazardous asteroids.
Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) adalah batuan luar angkasa sebesar tidak kurang 100 meter (diameter) yang mendekati bumi.
Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs)are space rocks larger than approximately 100m that can come closer to Earth than 0.05 AU. None of the known PHAs is on a collision course with our planet, although astronomers are finding new ones all the time.
, there were 1138 potentially
hazardous asteroids.
2010 Earth-asteroid encounters:
2010 Earth-asteroid encounters:
Asteroid | Date(UT) | Miss Distance | Mag. | Size |
1999 JD6 | Jul 27 | 53.9 LD | 17 | 1.8 km |
6239 Minos | Aug 10 | 38.3 LD | 18 | 1.1 km |
2005 NZ6 | Aug 14 | 60.5 LD | 18 | 1.3 km |
2002 CY46 | Sep 2 | 63.8 LD | 16 | 2.4 km |
2010 LY63 | Sep 7 | 55.8 LD | 18 | 1.3 km |
2009 SH2 | Sep 30 | 7.1 LD | 25 | 45 m |
1998 UO1 | Oct 1 | 32.1 LD | 17 | 2.1 km |
2005 GE59 | Oct 1 | 77 LD | 18 | 1.1 km |
2001 WN5 | Oct 10 | 41.8 LD | 18 | 1.0 km |
1999 VO6 | Oct 14 | 34.3 LD | 17 | 1.8 km |
1998 TU3 | Oct 17 | 69.1 LD | 15 | 5.3 km |
1998 MQ | Oct 23 | 77.7 LD | 17 | 2.0 km |
2007 RU17 | Oct 29 | 40.6 LD | 18 | 1.0 km |
2003 UV11 | Oct 30 | 5 LD | 19 | 595 m |
3838 Epona | Nov 7 | 76.8 LD | 16 | 3.4 km |
Asteroid | Date(UT) | Miss Distance | Mag. | Size |
2010 JR34 | May 14 | 5.8 LD | 21 | 12 m |
2003 HR32 | May 17 | 55.2 LD | 17 | 1.0 km |
2010 JN71 | May 26 | 8.2 LD | 18 | 245 m |
March 2010 Earth-asteroid encounters:
Asteroid | Date(UT) | Miss Distance | Mag. | Size |
2001 PT9 | March 3 | 11.1 LD | 15 | 305 m |
4486 Mithra | March 12 | 73.5 LD | 15 | 3.3 km |
2001 FM129 | March 13 | 44.1 LD | 16 | 1.5 km |
2010 FU9 | March 18 | 1.5 LD | 17 | 19 m |
2010 EF43 | March 18 | 5.0 LD | 19 | 23 m |
2010 FT | March 27 | 5.5 LD | 20 | 33 m |
2002 TE66 | March 28 | 48.0 LD | 15 | 940 m |
April 2010 Earth-asteroid encounters:
Asteroid | Date(UT) | Miss Distance | Mag. | Size |
2010 GV23 | April 5 | 2.1 LD | 19 | 12 m |
2010 GF7 | April 8 | 2.8 LD | 18 | 30 m |
2010 GA6 | April 9 | 1.1 LD | 16 | 27 m |
2010 GM23 | April 13 | 3.4 LD | 17 | 47 m |
2005 YU55 | April 19 | 5.9 LD | 15 | 185 m |
2009 UY19 | April 23 | 8.8 LD | 18 | 87 m |
2002 JR100 | April 29 | 8.0 LD | 19 | 65 m |
Referensi :
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